Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

First off - Happy New Year! Granted I have no followers and no page views BUT I figure I need to wish myself a Happy New Year!

I heard a story on the radio (yes, I'm a radio listener) about New Year's resolutions and that we shouldn't actually tell people our resolutions because the rush of telling someone has been shown to reduce adrenaline and therefore these resolutions are more likely to go to the back and be forgotten. Huh, good thing I have no followers or page views. I'd like to say that's why I'm terrible with resolutions. In reality it's because I have terrible will power and a condition that makes me think of contingency outcomes (to a compulsive level) so by the time I have thought of the contingencies of my actions it's too late to do the original action, thereby allowing me to "not fail" at an action.

So this year I have one resolution:

1. be nicer to myself

Only one?! You think you're that perfect? Hell no. It is the one resolution I could come up with that encompasses any other resolutions I would have had (lose weight, do more art projects, reduce trash output, etc) and the one resolution that I so far cannot come up with contingencies for.

So once again, Happy New Year!

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