Saturday, December 15, 2012

Starting Point

I've enjoyed about 15 years of collecting supplies for art projects that I've never finished, actually never started. Although I don't see myself as a hoarder, I do see myself as the type who hates failure, an unhealthy hate of it, and therefore I don't start projects because I don't want to fail at them. But I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that failure is what makes art great. One of the best lessons for this came in the form of Pinterest.

I saw so many talented people pinning amazing arts and crafts projects and describing how awesome these were and the creator is a genius, etc, etc, etc. I pinned till my clicking finger hurt - hundreds of project I would never try but looked so clever. And then one day something happened...someone pinned something, calling the creator a god of good ideas, and the idea was something I already did. Now this may sound petty but it struck a real chord with me. I realized that I too was a keeper of great ideas but they were so ingrained in me I didn't see them as anything but everyday life. Others most likely were in the same position, only some of these people actually posted their ideas and in turn we "pinned" them.

To make the point - my supplies have been liberated and I am ready to face failure. I will be "testing" craft and art ideas I "pin," will keep a log of what worked, what didn't, and what I would do differently.

I'd like to close with a quotation pertinent to the upcoming journey but it seems a bit too cliche.

Disclaimer - I have no connection with except that I am an end-user of I do not have any financial connections, personal connections, management connections, etc.  I don't know how they manage anything. I am just an end-user. I repin items I find on other's boards, load some of my own images, and that's about it. I do not claim to own anything on Pinterest or that any of the ideas on here start as original. I will always do my best to note where ideas come from (who, link to blog or site, etc). I may come up with some idea that someone else has but just because I try something that perhaps someone else has already and I don't mention them doesn't mean I am purposefully plagiarizing. It means that people can actually come up with the same idea independent of one another. From the flip-side: sinc eI make every effort to document who's idea is who's I would appreciate including a link or reference to this blog if you use any ideas from it. After all, this is all my writing. 

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