Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mission Accomplished: Kitchen, Pantry, Hall Closet

You've most likely caught on that I work a weird shift rotation. This past week I worked four days - eight hours each day. Then I get my mini-vacation as part of my five week rotation. This amounts to Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. I will go back to work at 5:30pm on Tuesday for my more "normal" 12-hour shift. Jealous?

This weekend was beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest. We easily made it to the high 60s. I even have a touch of cheek burn to prove it! I worked in the yard a lot, went a hike (we live next door to a state park) and got bit by the purge bug - finally! I sometimes wish I was a Type A personality so I could make a plan and do it. Instead I make a plan and need to wait until I feel ready to do it. Procrastinators unite. 

Yesterday I was able to tackle the infamous hall closet from *heck*. I literally pulled out every last box, bit of junk, and threw it on my bed. Then systematically I decided what I would keep and what would go (donate, trash, freecycle). I must say I was pretty darn happy with my results. I ended up with a large box for a Girl Scout Troop's yard sale (all their stuff was stolen!) and I also ended up with a lot of space!

The scary before shots:

I love that the crutches are right next to the exercise equipment... tells a lot about me. 



Just a smidge of the junk I got rid of (and no, the cat was not harmed in the cleaning of this closet). 

Oof! That tired me out so I cleaned the kitchen cupboards and the pantry today. 

I tackled the kitchen and pantry with a modified "Peter Walsh" approach. I had kept one whole cupboard just for my baking stuff - since I might need to bake a cake or cookies, oh, never. Just like the voice in Field of Dreams I heard "if you move it to the pantry you will have more space and be less tempted to each chocolate chips out of the bag." My beau and I are working to lose weight so the next thing I thought I would do it create a "snack" cupboard, but instead of the junk that we usually have jammed onto the shelves only healthier treat and snacks would be allowed (plus a space for pasta). 

Step one - Sweep and mop kitchen and dining room floor (No, this was not procrastination! I didn't want to set my food on a dirty floor while I organized.)

Step two - pull EVERYTHING out of the cupboards trying to group like items as I go (i.e. all the baking items, all soups, all not-good-for-you treats)

Step three - wash down all shelves

Step four - put it all back. 
  • *HOLD-IT*  - Here's where the work came in. I realized that having three shelves in one of our cupboards made stuffing things in the back super easy. I removed a shelf so that it was easier to see everything (more light, more vertical room). This cupboard became the snacks, salad, and pasta location:

Pretty awesome huh?

Now, to make sure everything was grouped (no stragglers) I also pulled out everything form the pantry. Here's what I've been fighting with for the past few months:

You can't see the floor and yes, soup and light bulbs go together.

I think there is a Valentine's Day gift for my mom somewhere in this pile. 

Where's Waldo?

And now my moment of triumph, the before AND afters, together again!

And the best part?

Three large boxes for the Stanwood Camano Food Bank!

My cat "Peach" is pretty darn proud!

Thanks for going on this tour with me. I haven't felt this accomplished in a long time. It is motivating and fulfilling! Sadly, I go back on shift Tuesday night so I am sure I will lose some momentum but fingers crossed that come Friday (my next day off) I can kick it back into high gear and start the next horror task - the bathroom...